Демография эпидемии ВИЧ/СПИД в России: текущая ситуация и возможные последствия
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Clinical Infectious Diseases 2003; 36:638-644
This article is in the public domain, and no copyright is claimed.

Key Issues for a Potential Human Immunodeficiency Virus Vaccine

Dale J. Hu, Charles R. Vitek, Bradford Bartholow, and Timothy D. Mastro
HIV Vaccine Section, Epidemiology Branch, Divisionof HIV/AIDS Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,Georgia
A safe, effective, and affordable vaccine remains the best long-term hope for bringing the global human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic under control. Recent scientific developments have suggested that the first generation of HIV vaccines available for public health care use will likely be of low to moderate efficacy, compared with currently licensed vaccines for other diseases. Nevertheless, such "partially effective" HIV vaccines could provide considerable individual and public health benefits. A consultation was held in January 2002 to advise the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Atlanta, Georgia) about critical issues that need to be addressed in anticipation of the eventual licensure and availability of an HIV vaccine in the United States. The present article summarizes the major issues discussed at the consultation with regard to the potential use of a partially effective vaccine in HIV prevention programs in the United States and the activities that are needed to prepare for vaccine availability.

Received 9 September 2002; accepted 18 November 2002; electronically published 17 February 2003.
The views in this report reflect the discussions and views of participants at this consultation and may not be representative of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention policy.


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