Nicholas Eberstadt
holds the Henry Wendt Chair in Political Economy at the American Enterprise
Institute and is Senior Adviser to the National Bureau of Asian Research.
This essay draws on a longer study prepared with the assistance of Lisa
Howie (more detailed
HIV/AIDS is a disease at once amazingly virulent and shockingly
new. Only a generation ago, it lay undetected. Yet in the past two decades,
by the reckoning of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), about
65 million people have contracted the illness, and perhaps 25 million of
them have already died. The affliction is almost invariably lethal: scientists
do not consider a cure to be even on the horizon. For now, it looks as
if AIDS could end up as the coming century's top infectious killer.
At present, the HIV/AIDS pandemic, though global, is overwhelmingly
concentrated in sub-Saharan Africa. Although this situation has exacted
a terrible human cost, the rest of the world has been largely unaffected
by Africa's tragedy. Things will be very different, however, in the next
major area of HIV infection. Eurasia (which for the purposes of this essay
is considered to be the territory encompassing the continent of Asia, plus
Russia) will likely be home to the largest number of HIV victims in the
decades ahead. Driven by the spread of the disease in the region's three
largest countries -- China, India, and Russia -- the coming Eurasian pandemic
threatens to derail the economic prospects of billions and alter the global
military balance. And although the devastating costs of HIV/AIDS are clear,
it is unclear that much will be done to head off the looming catastrophe.
Today HIV/AIDS is decimating sub-Saharan Africa. According
to UNAIDS, as of late 2001 more than 28 million of the world's roughly
40 million HIV carriers lived in that region, and about 9 percent of all
sub-Saharan inhabitants between the ages of 15 and 49 were HIV carriers.
(In parts of the continent, the rate is far higher: adult infection exceeded
30 percent in four countries last year, and in Botswana it was near an
almost unimaginable 40 percent.) UNAIDS' best guesses put AIDS-related
mortality in sub-Saharan states at over two million in 2001 -- suggesting
that the disease accounted for every fifth death. So far perhaps 20 million
sub-Saharan people have perished in the pandemic.
Africa's AIDS catastrophe is a humanitarian disaster of world historic
proportions, yet the economic and political reverberations from this crisis
have been remarkably muted outside the continent itself. The explanation
for this awful dissonance lies in the region's marginal status in global
economics and politics. By many measures, for example, sub-Saharan Africa's
contribution to the world economy is less than Switzerland's. In military
affairs, no regional state, save perhaps South Africa, has the capacity
to conduct overseas combat operations, and indeed sub-Saharan governments
are primarily preoccupied with local troubles. The states of the region
are thus not well positioned to influence events much beyond their own
borders under any circumstances, good or ill -- and the cruel consequence
is that the world pays them little attention.
Circumstances are rather different in the world's other area of rapidly
spreading HIV infection. Eurasia is home to the great majority of the world's
population; five out of every eight people on the planet live there. It
has substantial economic weight -- its combined GNP in 2000 of $15 trillion
exceeded that of either the United States or Europe. Militarily, it is
home to four out of five of the world's million-strong armies, and four
of the seven declared nuclear states. Thus, unlike in sub-Saharan Africa,
unexpected shocks there -- such as the unfolding HIV/AIDS epidemic -- will
have major worldwide repercussions.
In absolute terms, HIV/AIDS is already firmly established in Eurasia.
According to conventional estimates, more than 7 million of the region's
inhabitants were HIV carriers in 2001. And according to those same official
estimates, it took less than a decade for sub-Saharan Africa's HIV population
to leap from 7 million to 25 million.
It must be emphasized that there is currently no reliable method for
accurately forecasting the long-term trajectory of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Nevertheless, the prospect of tens of millions of Eurasian HIV cases --
and AIDS deaths -- in the decades ahead is by no means fanciful. To the
contrary, absent a cure or a vaccine, it is quite possible that the center
of the global HIV/AIDS crisis, in terms of absolute numbers, will shift
from Africa to Eurasia over the coming generation.
Despite uncertainty about the future direction of the disease, a number
of basic facts are already clear. First, even without approaching the infection
rate of sub-Saharan Africa, HIV/AIDS is poised to exact a staggering human
toll over the next quarter-century in the region's three pivotal countries
-- Russia, India, and China. Second, the economic costs of the disease
in these three countries will be vastly larger than they have been in sub-Saharan
Africa. Finally, given how the disease spreads, some key Eurasian populations
will be harder hit than others -- and some regional governments will prove
less competent than their neighbors (and competitors) in handling the crisis
that ensues.
The spread of HIV/AIDS through Eurasia, in short, will assuredly qualify
as a humanitarian tragedy -- but it will be much more than that. The pandemic
there stands to affect, and alter, the economic potential -- and by extension,
the military power -- of the region's major states. And the disease will
do more damage to some big countries than to others. Over the decades ahead,
in other words, HIV/AIDS is set to be a factor in the very balance of power
within Eurasia -- and thus in the relationship between Eurasian states
and the rest of the world.
To assess the implications of HIV/AIDS for Russia, India, and
China in the years ahead, one must begin by getting a clear sense of the
situation today. Unfortunately, the available data on HIV infection in
these countries are somewhat tentative, in large part because the highest
authorities in Moscow, New Delhi, and Beijing are unable (and unwilling)
to monitor their respective HIV epidemics closely and continuously. Even
UNAIDS figures are vetted by host governments, raising the possibility
that the results have been negotiated downward. Nevertheless, thumbnail
sketches of the HIV situation in each country are still possible.
By all accounts, Russia's HIV/AIDS epidemic has
exploded in recent years; the only dispute is over how much. Over the past
15 years, Russian medical authorities have registered a cumulative total
of about 200,000 HIV-positive patients. Independent estimates, however,
are much higher -- ranging from a UNAIDS figure of 700,000 carriers in
2001 to the Russian Academy of Medicine's total of one million in mid-2002,
to U.S. intelligence sources' approximation of one to two million carriers
today. These latter figures imply an infection rate two to three times
that of the United States.
Although the first HIV infections within the Russian Federation occurred
before the end of communist rule, the demise of the Soviet state set the
stage for the disease's rapid spread. The upheavals of Russia's ongoing
transition -- economic and social dislocation, increased poverty, new freedoms
(including greater opportunities for geographic mobility, extramarital
sex, prostitution, and drug use) -- transformed the country into a far
more conducive setting for the spread of HIV/AIDS. Health authorities first
noted HIV in port cities such as Kaliningrad and St. Petersburg, but the
infection apparently then rapidly made its way to other urban centers,
including Siberian cities such as Irkutsk. Current indications are that
it is now a truly nationwide phenomenon.
Russia's HIV/AIDS epidemic can be understood by looking at those groups
at highest risk. As in most Western countries, there is a homosexual component
to the spread of the disease, with men who have sex with other men emerging
as an identifiable vector of HIV transmission. There is also a drug-use
vector, in which intravenous (iv) drug users contaminate other users or
their own sexual partners. This method of transmission appears to be particularly
important in Russia: current press reports, for example, suggest that Moscow
alone may contain almost one million drug users, including perhaps 150,000
needle-using heroin and cocaine addicts.
The infection appears to be spreading rapidly through these populations,
but the scope of an HIV/AIDS "breakout" into the general population will
depend to a large degree on risk behavior in the non-drug-using heterosexual
population. Although accurate figures about sexual practices are hard to
procure, basic demographic data suggest that previous constraints on behavior
are eroding: the proportion of out-of-wedlock births, for example, has
soared since the collapse of communism. Russia has also experienced an
explosive increase in the incidence of curable sexually transmitted infections:
official figures point to a 33-fold jump over the course of the 1990s.
(This figure should not be taken literally, owing to the unreliability
of both past and present health reporting, but it is nonetheless indicative.)
Beyond this, Russia's flourishing level of prostitution factors importantly
in the spread of HIV/AIDS among heterosexuals, particularly due to the
substantial overlap between commercial sex workers and IV drug users.
Russia's transition from communism to capitalism has also coincided
with a tremendous increase in criminal activity, a trend with important
implications for the future of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. One factor is the
spread of behavioral risk through small-scale crime, such as prostitution
and IV drug use. At least as important, however, is the Russian Federation's
prison system. Currently Russia incarcerates almost one million convicts
at any given moment. Public health care, however, is notably absent in
the Russian penal system; prison camps are consequently virtual incubation
dishes for diseases such as drug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV. Unlike
under the communist-era gulag, moreover, nowadays prisoners are released
on a regular basis: in 2000, about 300,000 convicts were granted liberty.
Most of them head back to their native towns, and a significant proportion
of these former convicts are HIV positive. Russia's prison system, in other
words, functions like a carburetor for HIV -- pumping a highly concentrated
variant of the infection back through the general population.
The immediate prognosis for the Russian HIV/AIDS epidemic depends largely
on the preventive policies the government pursues. Unfortunately, it is
only a slight caricature to say that Moscow seems to have settled on a
posture of malign neglect toward the gathering problem. The Russian government
is spending only $6 million a year of its own resources on HIV/AIDS programs.
That sum pales in comparison to the more than $6 billion the United States
devotes each year to its HIV problem, and surreal as this may sound, the
Russian total is less than a third of the $20 million that Moscow pledged
just this past summer to the UN's worldwide campaign against HIV. Much
of the anti-HIV work in Russia today is being funded not by Russians, but
by foreign nongovernmental organizations such as Medicins Sans Frontieres
and George Soros' Open Society Institute.
Beyond its own seeming lack of interest in tackling HIV/AIDS, the Russian
government has also prevented outside organizations from financing related
health activities -- most conspicuously, World Bank-proposed programs to
combat tuberculosis, a disease associated with HIV infection that is now
endemic throughout the country. Further complicating the struggle is Moscow's
insistence that legal authorities have access to HIV test results. People
who test positive for HIV and are thought to have contracted the illness
through illegal drug use are subject to prosecution. This rule creates
a powerful incentive among citizens to conceal and misrepresent their HIV
status -- and further fans the spread of the disease.
In India, as elsewhere, current numbers are uncertain. UNAIDS
has suggested that about four million Indians were HIV positive in 2001
-- a figure that squares with New Delhi's official estimates. In August
2002, however, Health Minister Shatrughan Sinha publicly warned that the
true numbers might be much higher, owing to the sketchy disease-surveillance
capabilities of several large Indian states. This view is corroborated
by a U.S. National Intelligence Council estimate that India has between
five and eight million HIV sufferers.
HIV was first diagnosed in India in the mid-1980s. As in Russia (and
in most other countries), HIV first emerged in India's urban centers; Mumbai
(Bombay), Chennai (Madras), and Bangalore were among the early high-risk
cities. Studies suggest that the disease has spread through two geographic
pathways: first, along the main trunk roads that serve as the transport
network for this enormous country, and second, along the border regions
near Burma, where drug use is widespread.
Firm conclusions are difficult since epidemiological surveys (which
calculate the incidence, distribution, and control of disease) are still
very limited in scope and scale in India. In most of the country, moreover,
people are still reluctant to discuss behavior that contributes to the
spread of the disease. Homosexual sex, for instance, is an apparent vector
for HIV transmission in India, but public sensibilities preclude a discussion
of this factor. Drug use has also grown over the past decade, but is mostly
confined to the border with Burma. Reports indicate, however, that most
of the Indian HIV/AIDS epidemic today is heterosexual -- and is transmitted
by commercial sex workers and commercial truckers. (Prostitution in India
appears to be widespread: in the early 1990s, Indian social scientists
estimated that 2 million prostitutes were at work in the country, and demand
has only grown during the intervening decade.) Furthermore, if current
accounts are accurate, many monogamous women in India are being infected
by husbands having extramarital affairs. And given the high levels of illiteracy
among women in India and the taboos concerning sexually transmitted diseases
more generally, very little information seems to be available to India's
adult female population about HIV risks.
The Indian government has responded to the country's HIV epidemic unevenly.
New Delhi announced a National AIDS Control Program in 1987, but follow-through
was haphazard and the government's own anti-AIDS organization devoted a
considerable portion of its energies to arguing that outside groups were
overestimating the prevalence of HIV in India. India is currently in the
second phase of a ten-year government program for combating the spread
of HIV. India's federal system, however, grants wide latitude to states,
and these have shown varying levels of interest (and competence) in dealing
with the problem. In April 2002, New Delhi announced a nationwide target
of "zero ... new [HIV] infections by 2007." But barring a miracle cure,
that goal is utterly fanciful -- and only raises questions about the seriousness
of the effort overall.
Of the three countries under consideration, the uncertainties
are greatest for China. The overwhelming majority of HIV cases in the country
are undocumented and untreated: as of 2001, a cumulative total of only
30,000 HIV cases had been registered. Consequently, estimates of the total
current cases and the number of new cases of HIV in China rely heavily
on guesswork.
In August 2001, health authorities in Beijing announced that 600,000
Chinese were HIV positive as of 2000. A little later, in July 2002, UNAIDS
estimated that the total number of people living with HIV/AIDS in China
was 850,000 -- a figure with which Beijing, at the time, concurred. Just
two months thereafter, however, the Chinese Health Ministry raised the
official estimate to one million.
Other sources suggest that the total may be even higher. (Indeed, according
to some claims, the province of Henan alone might already have 1.2 million
HIV carriers.) A June 2002 UN report suggested that China's HIV population
was between 800,000 and 1.5 million people. The U.S. intelligence community,
for its part, estimates that China has one million to two million HIV carriers.
Nor is this the upper boundary of informed guesswork. In June 2002, an
unnamed un official told The New York Times that there could be as many
as 6 million HIV cases in China today; if that claim proves accurate, China
would currently have the largest HIV population of any country in the world.
Given China's enormous population, these huge HIV numbers still translate
into relatively low rates of prevalence: a million HIV carriers would mean
a rate of about 0.13 percent; 2 million, about 0.25 percent; and even with
the astronomical figure of 6 million, China's HIV prevalence rate would
be only somewhat higher than the current 0.7 percent rate in the United
States. But whatever the true rate is, there can be no doubt that totals
are rising swiftly. Chinese authorities and UNAIDS, for instance, both
suggest that the prevalence of HIV in China has been increasing recently
by about 20-30 percent per year; the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention also note that at current rates the number of victims could
double in 30 months.
HIV is currently transmitted in China by three main routes: extramarital
heterosexual intercourse (abetted by the ongoing expansion of China's commercial
sex business), illicit iv drug use, and the sale of unsafe blood. This
latter factor is in many respects particular to China and reflects the
realities of China's ongoing economic transition. With the demise of the
rural commune system and the attendant disintegration of public health
care in the Chinese countryside, both patients and doctors needed new means
of financing rural health care. One such method was the sale of blood or
plasma by impoverished farmers to pharmaceutical concerns, clinics, or
unregulated agents called "blood heads." These transactions typically took
place without the benefit of fresh, disposable needles. Officially encouraged
through the early 1990s, this trade in blood was outlawed in 1998 -- yet
it still continues.
The Chinese HIV epidemic appears to be predominantly heterosexual in
nature, and the risk of HIV infection is disproportionately high among
the rural poor. High-risk subpopulations include IV drug users, buyers
and sellers of blood, and commercial sex workers. Larger at-risk groups
may include the so-called floating population (the more than 100 million
migrants from rural areas seeking opportunity on the fringes of Chinese
urban life) and the "unmarriageable males" (the rising number of young
men in China who, due to the country's growing gender imbalance, have no
realistic prospect of finding a bride). Although epidemiological data on
HIV risk factors for China are spotty, there is also no doubt that behavioral
mores are rapidly changing. One telling indication is that between 1985
and 2001 the registered incidence of sexually transmitted infections in
China soared by more than a hundredfold.
Until very recently, Beijing's response to the mounting HIV crisis was,
at best, peripheral. Despite many warnings from public health experts,
China's political leaders seem to be in denial. In September 2002, news
reports revealed that the Chinese Communist Party's Central Committee had
ordered a study of the nation's HIV situation (apparently the first ever
such study initiated by the government). This past summer the Chinese government
also began cooperation with the U.S. National Institutes of Health to monitor
the epidemic. But open discussion of HIV in China is still not officially
permitted. In particular, the issue of HIV-tainted blood remains taboo
-- perhaps because of the regime's arguable complicity in the gathering
tragedy. Research on the blood problem continues to be discouraged; activists
who bring the problem up continue to be jailed. Unfortunately for the government,
an epidemic cannot be censored -- and unfortunately for China, suppressing
information about HIV/AIDS only makes matters worse.
For all the shortcomings of available information about HIV
in Eurasia, several facts are clear.
First, regardless of the sources one prefers, enormous numbers of people
are already infected with HIV in Russia, India, and China. If one trusts
UNAIDS estimates, the total for the three countries already exceeds 5.5
million; if one prefers the U.S. intelligence community's statistics, the
collective figure may be as high as 12 million.
Second, in each of these countries the continued rapid transmission
of HIV is assured and is poised to "break out" into the general population.
Russia and China in particular seem to have special potential "epidemiological
pumps" for exposing broad segments of their populations to HIV risk --
in the former, the national prison system, and in the latter, the prevalence
of HIV-tainted blood transfusions combined with the newfound mobility of
the rural poor.
Finally, none of the governments in question has pursued effective public
health measures to prevent the spread of HIV. To the contrary, each of
these governments has taken at best a halfhearted approach to stemming
the HIV epidemic. Taken together, these facts strongly suggest that the
HIV/AIDS crises in Russia, India, and China are only just beginning. But
how far will these crises go -- and what will be their economic and political
In seeking to predict the future course of HIV/AIDS, there is much we
still do not know or understand. Although scientists have exhaustively
analyzed the genetic makeup of the virus, the public health community knows
far less about its spread -- the very human demographic, sociological,
and behavioral factors that account for its grim progress through the world.
Indeed, as The New York Times medical correspondent Lawrence Altman M.D.
noted in early 2001, "HIV's toll has vastly exceeded the most pessimistic
report issued earlier in the epidemic, and the misjudgment largely reflects
gaps in knowledge about HIV and AIDS." For now, modeling the future of
the HIV pandemic is at least as much art as science; intuition counts no
less than technique.
To consider what may yet happen in Eurasia, we need to be able to explain
what has already befallen sub-Saharan Africa. Twenty million deaths into
Africa's AIDS catastrophe, the medical and public health literature remains
curiously vague -- even euphemistic -- about exactly how HIV spread so
fearsomely fast through the region. In broadest outline, however, Africa's
HIV disaster is evidently due to a collision between ecological risks (prevalent
malnutrition and a heavy preexisting burden of infectious diseases, both
of which impair the body's ability to fight disease) and behavioral risk
(more specifically, sexual transmission patterns and specific sexual practices
that raise the odds of contagion).
Conversely, it is worth noting why HIV has made relatively limited inroads
into the populations of wealthy Western countries. This seems to be due
to their favorable "ecological" advantages (better nutrition and minimal
endemic disease fortify their residents' immune systems), their particular
"behaviorial" dispositions (risky practices, such as drug use and prostitution,
have not proliferated catastrophically), and public health infrastructures
that have successfully contained potentially lethal risk factors.
Given what is known about the ecological and behavioral HIV risks in
Eurasia, it seems safe to suggest that China, India, and Russia today are
susceptible to distinctly greater HIV/AIDS risks than are the affluent
Western countries -- but distinctly lower risks than those in much of sub-Saharan
Africa. Where Eurasia will fall between these two poles is not yet clear,
but expert opinion has already hazarded some predictions. China's health
minister, Zhang Wenkang, warned last year of 10 million HIV infections
by 2010; the head of UNAIDS, Peter Piot, has set the figure at 20 million.
The former figure would correspond with an HIV prevalence of 1.3 percent
among adults; the latter figure would suggest 2.5 percent. For India, the
U.S. intelligence community has predicted 20 million to 25 million HIV
carriers by 2010 -- numbers consistent with a prevalence rate of 3-4 percent.
And in Russia, that country's leading AIDS authority, Dr. Vadim Pokrovsky,
expects 5 million HIV sufferers by 2005, corresponding to an HIV prevalence
rate of 6 percent among adults. U.S. intelligence estimates run as high
as 8 million by 2010, implying a virtually sub-Saharan infection rate of
11 percent.
With these figures in mind, it is possible to map out prospective paths
for HIV/AIDS in Russia, India, and China over the next quarter-century,
using demographic and epidemiological modeling techniques. The assumptions
behind any model drive its results -- and so any projections can only be
illustrative. And from what we know about the record of past HIV/AIDS projections,
no one should expect this exercise to be profoundly prescient. But such
modeling can nonetheless help to clarify thinking, for it has the virtue
of internal consistency.
At the risk of making eyes glaze, let me briefly review the components
of this "model." After all, I do not want to seem to be pulling results
out of a magical black box.
First, I needed a "baseline" to describe the expected demographic trends
in the absence of HIV/AIDS: for this baseline, I chose the U.S. Census
Bureau's most recent population projections for the period from 2000 to
2025 for China, India, and Russia. Then, I had to make some basic presumptions
about the nature of the local HIV/AIDS epidemics themselves.1 These particular
assumptions affect all subsequent calculations -- but the only truly critical
one was that the epidemics would be essentially "heterosexual" in nature.
(As the previous discussion showed, that view is not the least bit unrealistic.)
I assumed the HIV-positive population to be one million as of 2002 in Russia,
two million in China, and four million in India -- necessarily arbitrary
figures, to be sure, but ones well within the range of informed assessments
Finally, I had to make conjectures about distinct future HIV "prevalence
scenarios" for each of the three countries. That is to say, how bad would
the epidemic become over time? Clearly, this was the trickiest -- and most
arbitrary -- facet of the effort. I identified three "families" of scenarios
for the disease, which I termed "severe," "intermediate," and "mild" --
corresponding to high, medium, and low levels of HIV infection. ("Severe"
is taken here to mean adult HIV prevalence by 2025 reaching as high as
10 percent in Russia, 7 percent in India, and 5 percent in China; "intermediate,"
6 percent, 5 percent, and 3.5 percent, respectively; and "mild," 2 percent,
1.5 percent, and 1.5 percent.) These different scenarios, though quite
arbitrary, fall well within the expectations of informed independent observers
The model lays out a series of specific and staggering implications
for the spread of HIV/AIDS in Russia, China, and India.
The magnitude of infection. First, the absolute magnitude of the Eurasian
HIV/AIDS epidemic over the coming quarter-century will match or exceed
that of the entire worldwide HIV crisis up to now. For example, under the
assumptions of even a mild epidemic, the cumulative total of new HIV cases
in China, India, and Russia from 2000 to 2025 would be about 66 million,
compared to UNAIDS estimates of about 65 million infected worldwide to
date. The other scenarios predict even higher HIV totals: an intermediate
epidemic would suggest nearly 200 million new HIV cases in the next 25
years, and a severe epidemic would lead to more than 250 million new cases
(see Table 1).
The death toll. In each scenario, the cumulative death toll from AIDS
over the next 25 years for Russia, China, and India vastly exceeds the
total number of people killed by AIDS globally so far. UNAIDS estimates
that AIDS -- from its onset to the present day -- has taken about 25 million
lives. By contrast, a mild epidemic would project a cumulative total of
about 43 million AIDS deaths for these three countries from 2000 to 2025.
And the other projections look far worse. During an intermediate epidemic,
for example, the hypothetical toll would be about 105 million, more than
four times as many as have died to date (see Table 2).
On an annual basis, the numbers are equally astonishing. According to
UNAIDS, the current annual aggregate death total from AIDS is about 3 million
people per year. By comparison, the mild epidemic scenario suggests that
Russia, India, and China would suffer a collective total of nearly 1.7
million deaths a year in 2010, and 2.3 million by 2015. In an intermediate-epidemic
family of scenarios, deaths would top 3 million in 2010 and would approach
6 million in 2025.
New AIDS cases. In every scenario considered here, Russia, India, and
China would each have to contend with massive numbers of new AIDS cases
in the decade 2010-20. That result follows simply from the long incubation
period between HIV infection and the onset of AIDS, and the large number
of HIV carriers that each country is projected to accumulate between 2000
and 2015. The discussion also presumes that a cure for AIDS will not be
found during this time frame.
The model's illustrative calculations, for example, suggest that China
experienced "only" 30,000 new AIDS cases in 2000. By 2015, assuming just
a mild epidemic, new AIDS cases in China erupt at a pace of nearly 100,000
per month. In India, the projected numbers are equally shocking. In 2000,
according to these estimates, India was facing a significant burden of
100,000 new cases of AIDS a year. But even under a mild epidemic, the total
would exceed one million a year in 2015, and would rise still higher for
every year between 2015 and 2025 (see Table 3).
Population changes. The HIV/AIDS epidemics modeled here could significantly
alter population dynamics in these Eurasian countries and might substantially
reduce the future size of certain economically important population cohorts.
Under the milder epidemic, for instance, the aggregate populations of India,
China, and Russia would be almost 90 million lower in 2025 than Census
Bureau projections (the baseline) currently anticipate (see Table 4). Worse,
the cohort often labeled the "economically active" population -- persons
15 to 64 years of age -- would be about 44 million fewer than currently
projected (see Table 5). Under less optimistic scenarios, the demographic
impact is correspondingly greater.
In these projections, Russia is hit especially hard demographically.
This trend occurs not simply because the model posits somewhat higher HIV
rates for Russia than for India or China but also because Russia's population
is projected to decline over the coming quarter-century -- even in the
absence of any worsening of its HIV crisis. Under the conditions of even
a mild epidemic, however, that decline is projected to accelerate dramatically.
Reduced life expectancy. Finally, and in some ways most portentous,
all of the scenarios point to either a stagnation or a reduction in national
health levels as reflected by life expectancy at birth. This decline is
an inescapable arithmetic consequence of the expected surge in mortality.
In many ways, the future looks bleakest for Russia. For instance, under
the severe epidemic scenario, Russian life expectancy would be a full decade
lower a generation hence than it is today. The projections for China and
India, although not as dramatic, are still deeply troubling (see Table
This modeling exercise can be faulted in a number of respects -- modeling
exercises always can. What these separate scenarios commonly highlight,
however, is this: reasonable, historically grounded assumptions about the
future course of HIV/AIDS suggest the real possibility, and perhaps even
the likelihood, of an unprecedented cost in human lives for Russia, India,
and China in the years just ahead.
Eurasia's HIV/AIDS epidemic will clearly have far-reaching
economic ramifications in the coming decades. The number of dead, to begin
with, threatens to be absolutely enormous. Furthermore, AIDS typically
does not kill its victims immediately but subjects them to a prolonged
period of gradually mounting debility and incapacity. This is a period,
often extending for years, during which the victim's needs grow while his
or her own ability to attend to them steadily diminishes. And AIDS does
not kill randomly but instead tends to strike people in their prime reproductive
ages -- years that coincide in most populations with the highest rates
of labor productivity. Given this combination of factors, what sort of
impact can we expect an HIV/AIDS epidemic to inflict on the economies of
Russia, India, and China?
This question has received surprisingly little rigorous consideration.
Two decades into the epidemic, the state of economic thinking about this
complex set of interactions can still be described fairly as introductory
and exploratory. The emerging economic literature on the subject has identified
some of the potential macroeconomic repercussions of AIDS-related illness
and death. Population growth, labor supply, and savings rates all will
be hurt -- indeed the more comprehensive the framework employed, the more
negative the conclusions seem to be.
Even so, a number of important potential economic ramifications of an
HIV/AIDS epidemic in a low-income setting have as yet received little consideration.
Two in particular deserve mention here. First, by curtailing adult life
spans, a widespread HIV epidemic seriously alters the calculus of investment
in higher education and technical skills -- thereby undermining the local
process of investment in human capital. Second, widespread HIV prevalence
could affect international decisions about direct investment, technology
transfer, and personnel allocation in places perceived to be of high health
risk. These factors suggest that HIV breakout could have lasting economic
consequences -- in effect, cutting afflicted countries off from globalization.
The long-run economic impact of these effects could be even more significant
than the constraints the epidemic could impose on local labor supplies
or savings.
Precisely calculating the prospective economic cost of HIV/AIDS for
a society would be a highly exacting task (it would essentially require
figuring out how much less a population would earn due to HIV, how much
more it would be obliged to devote to covering the needs of AIDS victims,
and the present value of the differences in those two amounts). This exercise
would require detailed data that are simply unavailable today for any country.
There is, however, an extremely simple alternative approach to thinking
about the possible economic implications of these HIV/AIDS epidemics, one
that may promise a serviceable first approximation of the macroeconomic
impact. We might call this the "health-based productivity" approach.
Modern economic development has seen an important and well-documented
shift in patterns of global economic performance: a continuing move away
from natural-resource-based wealth and toward wealth generated by human
knowledge and skills. Put another way, "human capital" has become a predominant
and increasingly important factor in overall economic potential. In modern
times, this trend has made for a robust link between health and productivity
at the national level. This association holds both across nations at any
given point in time, and also within particular countries over time.
Naturally, these simple patterns do not capture the complexity of the
health-productivity relationship, nor do they indicate causal directions.
On the one hand, wealth is an instrument that helps people afford lifestyle
patterns that lead to better health. On the other hand, improvements in
health can boost productivity by extending potential work-life, enhancing
physical capacity, and facilitating learning. Regardless of these complexities,
for any country, at any point in time, life expectancy is a fairly good
predictor of per capita economic output.
What would these HIV/AIDS projections for Russia, India, and
China imply for each country's economic performance if we relied solely
on a simple health-based productivity model? The answers can be computed
by using World Bank data to estimate the recent (circa 1999) correspondence
between national life expectancy and output per member of the "potential
work force" (i.e., persons 15-64 years of age), and then combining these
figures with the simulations of national life expectancy and potential
work force size from the various HIV scenarios.
By this method, Russia's GNP per "person of working age" would be projected
to rise by about 50 percent between 2000 and 2025 without HIV. Health-based
productivity predictions, however, indicate that an HIV epidemic could
radically reduce per capita productivity under any of the scenarios discussed
earlier. Even with a mild epidemic, Russia's predicted output growth per
working person would be less than half as great as under the "no HIV" baseline
scenario. And if there was an intermediate epidemic, the predicted level
of output would actually be lower in 2025 than it was in 2000.
For India, this method predicts about an 80 percent increase in GNP
per working-age person over the next 25 years assuming the absence of AIDS.
All of the HIV scenarios, however, would reduce that growth significantly.
A milder epidemic, for example, would depress predicted growth by about
two-fifths; under the intermediate epidemic scenario, output per working
person would be no higher in 2025 than it is today.
China without AIDS would, by this method, experience a predicted increase
in output per working-age person of more than 50 percent during the next
25 years. But even a mild epidemic would cut that growth by half -- or,
to put it slightly differently, even an epidemic with a peak HIV prevalence
rate of 1.5 percent would cut more than half a percentage point a year
off China's long-term economic growth rate. Under an intermediate epidemic,
output per working person would barely rise between 2000 and 2025. And
under the most pessimistic of the scenarios, Chinese productivity over
that same period would actually decline.
This method also permits the prediction of national levels of output,
a set of figures that merits examination. In Russia, for instance, even
though the model predicts a baseline increase of more than 50 percent in
output per potential worker, national output would increase only by about
33 percent in the "no AIDS" case. This discrepancy results from the decline
in the absolute number of Russians between the ages of 15 and 64. The HIV
scenarios reduce Russia's future GNP not only by reducing predicted output
per worker, but also by cutting the size of the 15-64 cohort. Thus, under
conditions of a mild epidemic, Russia's national output would remain completely
stagnant between 2000 and 2025. And under the intermediate epidemic scenario,
Russia's GNP would be a shocking 40 percent lower in 2025 than it is today.
Indeed, the model suggests that HIV/AIDS in Russia might, under a variety
of scenarios, prevent the Russian economy from experiencing any growth
in the years ahead.
For India, the model suggests that GNP absent HIV would be almost 170
percent higher in 2025 than in 2000 -- with growth driven both by a larger
work force and by increasing worker productivity. Under the mild epidemic
scenario, GNP would still rise substantially -- but by about a third less
over that quarter-century than the "no AIDS" baseline would have predicted.
If there was an intermediate epidemic, predicted GNP in 2025 would be 40
percent lower than in the baseline scenario; national output would still
grow, but growth would be cut by three-fourths over the next 25 years.
As for China, health-based predictions of economic output suggest relatively
modest output growth of 80 percent between 2000 and 2025. The mild epidemic
scenario would be predicted to cut that growth by more than a third; an
intermediate epidemic, by much more. The more pessimistic scenarios would
suggest even more dramatic economic repercussions for the Chinese economy.
Health-based predictions of future economic output are admittedly an
overly simplistic measure for assessing the prospective performance of
extraordinarily complex societies. Even so, health and wealth are closely
connected in the modern world. To the extent that HIV/AIDS compromises
national health prospects, it also compromises economic potential.
In the decades ahead, the likelihood of HIV breakout into the
general population in Eurasia will depend on the extent to which local
Eurasian populations can avoid replicating the risk factors that led to
such a breakout in sub-Saharan Africa. Fortunately, Eurasia enjoys some
ecological protections that sub-Saharan Africa lacks. Nutrition in India,
China, and Russia is generally superior to that in sub-Saharan states,
and the burden of endemic disease is also distinctly lower. With respect
to behavioral risks, we know very much less about the situation in China,
India, and Russia than we would like. Sexual transmission patterns, the
prevalence of risky sexual practices, and the extent of other dangerous
practices (such as iv drug use) will do much to determine the future trajectory
of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in these three countries. Amazingly, neither local
nor international health studies have examined in any sustained manner
these potentially deadly risk factors.
Despite the limits of our knowledge, available information suggests
that major HIV epidemics are already underway in China, India, and Russia,
and that local social mores and behavioral practices are set to further
spread the disease. The precise trajectory that HIV/AIDS will follow in
these three countries cannot be foretold at this time. But as the hypothetical
scenarios show, even fairly mild epidemics (by sub-Saharan standards) could
have a tremendous impact on long-term health and mortality trends in all
of these countries. Indeed, China, India, and Russia together could experience
more HIV infections and AIDS deaths over the coming quarter-century than
the entire planet has thus far.
From a purely ecological standpoint (that is, focusing on nutrition
and endemic disease), India probably stands a greater risk today than either
Russia or China for an HIV/AIDS breakout. Yet in the simulations, the country
whose economic prospects seemed most threatened by the disease was Russia.
Two factors largely account for this result: the country's poor health
performance, entirely irrespective of HIV, and, relatedly, the country's
prospect for long-term population decline. In HIV/AIDS scenarios well within
the realm of current informed expectations, Russia's economy 25 years hence
might be no larger than it is today. In a world characterized by general
economic growth, such a result would only increase Russia's marginalization
both within the world economy and on the world stage.
But Russia's limited future economic prospects seem to be established
already by a host of other factors that have nothing to do with HIV. From
a geopolitical standpoint, then, the most pertinent question is whether
the unfolding HIV/AIDS epidemics in China and India will be sufficiently
powerful to alter the future economic or political balance between these
two rising and ambitious states. To judge by these simulations, it is possible
that HIV/AIDS could play such a role in the years ahead -- and again, relying
on these simulations, the balance of risks presently appears to weigh more
heavily against India than against China.
On the other hand, and somewhat paradoxically, China may have more difficulty
mounting an effective response to an emerging HIV crisis than would either
Russia or India. The reasons have to do with constraints on anti-HIV/AIDS
policies in China. In contemporary Eurasia, perhaps the most successful
HIV-control campaign thus far has been Thailand's. The Thai campaign relied
on cooperation between the government and civil society to educate the
public about HIV and to intervene with high-risk groups. Analyses of the
program by the World Bank and other groups have stressed the value of civil-society
participation, as well as the importance of popular trust in the government
in lending credibility to the state's massive public education effort.
Whether China could replicate Thailand's approach is by no means clear.
A public health campaign premised on the independence of nonstate actors
and the population's confidence in its government could be rather more
difficult for Beijing.
Even without these constraints, the prospects of a Thai-style campaign
doing much for Russia or India still look grim. When Thailand inaugurated
its muscular anti-HIV campaign, adult HIV prevalence was lower there than
it is today in Russia and India. And even after Thailand's policies went
into effect, the estimated number of HIV carriers more than doubled over
the subsequent decade -- the grim arithmetic of the disease being that
newly diagnosed infections will add to the patient pool for some time,
even if an effective program is diminishing the stream of newcomers.
Eurasian states' responses to their respective HIV crises may also be
circumscribed by economic considerations. For now, the most effective medical
intervention for prolonging HIV patients' lives is the complex "drug cocktail"
of anti-retroviral drugs. It is true that many people with HIV in the advanced
industrialized West have been given a new lease on life by taking these
drugs, and that this has made the disease less of a life sentence than
it was before. The problem with thinking that this advance represents a
solution to the developing world's HIV/AIDS problems, however, is that
the cocktail is extremely costly -- typically $15,000 or more per patient
per year. Even the generic versions of the drugs, a year's supply of which
can be manufactured for $600, are not affordable by most countries for
most of their people with AIDS. And even if they had the money, the unfortunate
fact is that they would probably not spend it on this cause, because the
cost of distributing the treatment (even assuming that the drugs were given
away free) would often be more than the economic value to governments of
the lives thus saved. The tragic truth is that until some kind of actual
cure is discovered, most people with HIV/AIDS in the developing world are
essentially doomed.
Despite this awful reality, there are still things states can do to
at least contain the risk of contagion within their populations. Governments
can competently monitor the spread of the disease and warn their citizens
accordingly. They can engage in public education campaigns to apprise their
people of the deadly risks they face with HIV, urging them to alter specific
behaviors. They can attend to the explosion of curable sexually transmitted
infections, since these have proved to be a leading indicator for HIV transmission.
And they can intervene with groups at high risk of HIV to encourage lifestyles
that will court fewer dangers. But governments in Eurasia are not yet doing
enough of these things.
HIV in the region may be likened to a gathering tempest, and the governments
in Moscow, New Delhi, and Beijing to captains of vessels in its path. The
storm, already within sight and rapidly advancing, is enormously powerful
and capable of untold tragedy and destruction. From the captain's deck,
however, officers continue to regard the approaching squall with curious
detachment, unconcerned about its implications for their ship. When they
come to their senses, the tempest will be even nearer than it is now --
and they may discover that their ability to navigate out of harm's way
is more limited than they would have supposed.
For the technically inclined, I assumed that 1) each epidemic got underway
around 1985; 2) in each country, the median incubation period for HIV carriers
between infection with HIV and the onset of AIDS is nine years; 3) life
expectancy after the onset of AIDS averages two years; and 4) HIV epidemics
in Russia, China, and India are all subject to the "standard heterosexual"
distribution between the sexes and over age groups that has been witnessed
in other low-income countries (especially those of sub-Saharan Africa).
For computing demographic and epidemiological results, I selected the spectrum
software package developed by the Futures Group International for the U.S.
Agency for International Development.
Table 1: Cumulative New HIV
Cases, 2000-2025
32 million
70 million
100 million
30 million
110 million
140 million
4 million
13 million
19 million
Note: All figures
in this table and the ones that follow are projections based on the model
Table 2: Cumulative AIDS Deaths,
19 million
40 million
58 million
21 million
56 million
85 million
3 million
9 million
12 million
Table 3: New AIDS Cases in
1.2 million
2.6 million
3.9 million
1.0 million
3.0 million
4.9 million
0.2 million
0.5 million
0.7 million
Table 4: Population in 2025
1.46 billion
1.42 billion
1.39 billion
1.37 billion
1.38 billion
1.34 billion
1.30 billion
1.26 billion
0.14 billion
0.13 billion
0.12 billion
0.12 billion
Table 5: Working-Age Population
in 2025
1.0 billion
981 million
963 million
947 million
932 million
910 million
879 million
854 million
89 million
86 million
81 million
78 million
Table 6: Life Expectancy in 2025
77 years
74 years
71 years
69 years
71 years
68 years
62 years
58 years
73 years
69 years
63 years
56 years
In the decades ahead, the center of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic is set
to shift from Africa to Eurasia. The death toll in that region's three
pivotal countries--Russia, India, and China--could be staggering. This
will assuredly be a humanitarian tragedy, but it will be much more than
that. The disease will alter the economic potential of the region's major
states and the global balance of power. Moscow, New Delhi, and Beijing
could take steps to mitigate the disaster--but so far they have not.