Демография эпидемии ВИЧ/СПИД в России: текущая ситуация и возможные последствия
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The prostitution situation in a number of cities of Russia, Ukraine and Byelarus

Article in Russian: Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol 1999 Jan-Feb;(1):102-4
Lakhumalani V.
Social Development and Health Department, British Council, Calcutta, India.
The analytical study indicating that 25% of prostitutes use drugs by intravenous injection is presented. As determined in this study, prostitutes face the double danger of being infected with HIV (they undergo treatment for drug addiction and sexually transmitted diseases). The conclusion has been made that no educational work on HIV/AIDS is carried out among this group of women, though they run a high risk of infection. According to this study, the requirements which ensure the health of prostitutes may be realized by itinerary educational programs, the publication of information materials, specially intended for distribution among such women. The necessity to supplement information on AIDS with information on STD is noted, alerting the public on the fact that these infections are closely connected. The necessity of educating transport and industrial workers, as well as people working in the system of the Ministry of Defense, with a view to prevent the spread of HIV infection is also considered to be an important factor (on the example of Belarus).

PMID: 10096227 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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